How to create alarms on your HomePod

HomePod, much like an iPhone or iPad, can be utilized as a wake up timer substitution to get you up toward the beginning of the day or help you to remember critical undertakings.

Utilizing HomePod as a wake up timer is basic, yet it is controlled independently than alerts on your iPhone and there are a couple of traps to know about.

Managing Alarms Using Siri

You can deal with your cautions with Siri, as well. For instance, in the event that you need to erase an alert, you can state something like “Hello Siri, erase the 2:00 p.m. alert,” or “Hello Siri, erase the majority of my cautions.”

Changing a caution is additionally conceivable, with an order like “Hello Siri, change the 2:00 p.m. alert to 3:00 p.m, and on the off chance that you need to recognize what cautions you have set up, say “Hello Siri, what alerts do I have on?”

Siri will gone through all cautions that are set up on the HomePod with that charge.

Managing and Setting Alarms in the Home App

Cautions that you set up on the HomePod through Siri can be seen and overseen in the Home application.

The “Cautions” segment of the HomePod in the Home application looks a considerable measure like the Alarm part of the Clock application on the iPhone, so in the event that you’ve utilized that, it ought to be promptly recognizable.

On the off chance that you tap the “+” catch, you can set another alert, and on the off chance that you tap the “Alter” catch, you can alter or erase a current caution. Tapping one of the switches alongside a caution turns it off briefly. With any alert that you set or alter, you can include a period, make it rehash, and change the name.

Disabling an Alarm

At the point when an alert goes off on the HomePod, a caution sound actuates and the highest point of the HomePod flashes with a white light. To turn it off, you just need to tap the highest point of the HomePod.

On the off chance that you don’t have a free hand, you can likewise request that Siri kill the caution: “Hello Siri, kill the alert.”

There is no real way to nap a caution on the HomePod – it’s on or off. In case you’re a man who likes to rest your alerts, make a point to set products with the HomePod so you don’t rest in for a really long time

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