How to turn off System Integrity Protection on OS X

How to turn off System Integrity Protection on OS X

Malware is serious issue not only on Windows but also on Mac OS X. Apple make it better in OX EI Capitan. To strengthen the Mac’s security against malware infections Apple comes up with System Integrity Protection. System Integration Protection (SIP) is a new way of managing access to essential System files in OS X EI Capitan.

Before El Capitan, people could easily modify, or allow to be modified, core system files used by OS X by entering their administrator password. System Integrity Protection makes sure the vital system files are safe from modification. This article provides the information about how to turn off system Integrity Protection on OS X.

Steps to turn off System Integrity Protection in EI Caption :

If you decide later you want to re-engage SIP, repeat these steps changing csrutil disable to csrutil enable instead. As mentioned above this SIP on OS X EI Capitan is used to improve the security on operating system and to reduce the risk.

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