How to use power reserve mode on Apple Watch

How to use power reserve mode on Apple Watch

Apple has introduce a new feature into Watch operating system which is called as power reserve mode on Apple Watch when you want to save battery of the watch. Let us discuss how this power reserve mode works on Apple Watch.

Power Reserve mode shuts down all Apple Watch functionality except the ability to keep and display time. All apps, glances, and other general watch functionality are no longer available once Power Reserve mode is enabled.The only thing that you can do while in Power Reserve mode is take screenshots and tell the time. But you’ll need to press the side button in order to tell the time, because while in Power Reserve mode, wrist detection no longer works.

The result is a sharp decrease in power usage, but an extension of your Apple Watch battery. Power Reserve mode can help you maintain basic watch functionality for a longer period of time when your watch battery is low Every thing is fine, now let us discuss about how to enable this power reserve mode on your Apple Watch. Follow the steps given below

How to enable power reserve mode on Apple Watch :

There are two ways to enable power reserve mode on Apple Watch

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